Steinway Piano Gallery
Maryland • Virginia • Baltimore • D.C.
Maryland • Virginia • Baltimore • D.C.


Spirio | r

The Steinway Spirio | r is the world’s finest high resolution player piano capable of live performance capture and playback. A revolutionary blend of artistry, craftsmanship, and technology, Spirio | r provides powerful new tools of expression and new ways to access, share and experience performance — enriching connection and intimacy.

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Spirio | r Video Tour

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Steinway | Quality

Spirio | r stores and plays music and videos directly from the instrument, with immediate response and uninterrupted playback. Spirio | r captures the most nuanced musical
passages, precisely reproducing the loudest, softest and fastest notes.



High resolution remote piano broadcasting

Spiriocast is the broadcast of high resolution music data, perfectly in sync with video and audio from one Spirio | r piano to one or many Spirio instruments. A complete audio, visual and acoustic experience, Spiriocast can be integrated with your home AV system allowing you to attend live concerts in your own living room.

This innovative technology lays the groundwork for new ways to experience live piano. From a concert in your home to a teaching lecture to a grandchild’s recital — Spiriocast offers new ways for artists and listeners to connect.

SPIRIOCAST: Experience live piano performance as never before.


Available Models

Download the Spirio | r Brochure

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